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Showing posts from October, 2018

Finger Zingers: How my Hands Keep Embarrassing Me

A lot of people hate certain parts of their body. Largely because of the impossible societal beauty standards of our culture, presented everywhere- from advertisements and television, to social media. Thanks society. However, being the tall, thin, white guy that I am, I find representation and body positivity everywhere I go- which I know is a "weird flex but ok". Nonetheless, I don't love everything about me, even if it seems like it from the way I talk about myself. Haha. It's mostly overcompensation for just a tiny bit of insecurity, anyway. One part of myself which has betrayed me far too many times are my hands. Which sounds crazy, I know. It's like I can't even control them. Like when for some random reason, they circle the wrong answer on a Physics quiz, or get too clammy when I'm holding a girl's hand. And for another thing, my hands (and feet) are too big for my body, as my skinny frame doesn't quite match my size 13 feet and similarly s

Crappy New Year's, Hairy Christmas! The Holidays, ranked from Worst to Best

It's October. Or as they sometimes call it, 🎃Spooktober🎃. It's Halloween in less than 3 weeks! The home stretch of the year is always jam-packed with holidays- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and then New Year's. As we creep into the "'tis the Season" festivities, I've compiled a list of major holidays, and ranked them accordingly based on how much I enjoy them. If I don't include your favorite holiday, it probably means that either your holiday sucks or my family doesn't personally celebrate it. If it's the latter, then I'm sure it is a wonderful holiday. 8. St. Patrick's Day Ha-ha! You're not wearing green! *pinch* That's the full extent of St. Pat's. Weak! For us high schoolers at least. Maybe once when we're in college it'll be fun, if we go to the U of I, that is. Being honest, I forgot this holiday existed at first, until someone told me I should mention it. Easy last place though. 7