My last few blog posts have been stories about my experiences. Unfortunately, most of my other vaguely interesting stories aren't exactly blog material- whether the story is too short, too incriminating or even just plain old R-rated. Which is why I am unfortunately departing from talking about my individual life and instead widening up the audience who can relate- to all of you! Amazing, I know. Except for transfers, of course. But if you are actually a transfer, at least you finally get to picture everyone's favorite year. Something I don't miss: Being prepubescent. I'm not claiming to be a full-grown man complete with beard, but at least I look nothing like the me from 3 years ago. I was short, had awful hair, and mediocre dress sense. If you knew me then, then you know. If not, then peep my Instagram (leave a few likes, too). But worst of all was my voice- it was so high-pitched that I'm amazed anyone besides dogs could understand me. Luckily, by the end of ...